
A warm summer's day

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I remembered this CBS news story about Wikipedia from last year. Imagine my joy when I found it! The reporter examines the perils of this popular site. John Siegenthaler's experience is truly scary. Some American universities have gone so far as to "ban" Wikipedia. If a student uses Wikipedia as a source, then professors won't mark the paper. Should we follow suit? Wikipedia can be a valuable teaching tool. We can use Wikipedia for comparison purposes. Students need the skills to find reputable information on the Web. Why not help them to do so?

I thought about purchasing the video of this story for my library.


Deb Kitchener said...

I am taking a different approach to wikipedia. I allow kids to go there to identify key search operators, but they must verify anything from the site with 3 reputable sources and they cannot cite wikipedia. They are generally to lazy to bother with this so they start with the reputable ones.

J Martin said...

What a great idea! Thanks!